Monday, April 12, 2010

UFC 112: ???

I can't believe I was tricked into buying another pay per view fight after UFC 109, "the Geezers at Caesar's," was such a let down.  After watching UFC 112 last Saturday, I can unequivocally state, that it was the worst UFC in history.  Hands down.  Not debatable.  

Whenever the president of the UFC holds a press conference to explain how much of an embarrassment he thought the main event was, you know you just got robbed.  I don't really want to describe the fights in depth, because enough of my life has already been stolen, so to summarize:

1. Boring.  Renzo Gracie got predictably beat up by Matt Hughes.  Furthering showing the weaknesses of one dimensional jiu jitsu fighters all over the world.  

2. More Boring.  Frankie Edgar out boxed Bj Penn and was awarded the lightweight title for his effort.  Hey Bj, when someone is a faster, better boxer than you, don't box with them.  

3. Things Get Weird.  Anderson Silva beat up, and I mean really destroyed Damian Maia for the first two and a half rounds in the main event.  Silva was showboating to an extent that has yet to be witnessed in any sport.  It appeared he could knock out Maia at will, but was opting to punish him instead.  Then for whatever reason, halfway through the third round, Silva just shut down.  He stopped taunting, he stopped showboating, he stopped attacking.  It was unclear if Silva didn't finish him, because he was upset with the lack of a challenge that Maia presented, or if he really gassed out, or if he simply became disinterested.  It was the most bizarre fight I've ever seen.  I think the appropriate gaming commission needs to investigate the fight, which should have ended in a knockout, but for whatever reason, Silva made it very clear he was not going to let that happen.

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