Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mike's Approved Nutrition Plan for Lifting Big Weights Over Your Head

Meat, lots of it.
     Any kind of moderately lean meat, a little fat is ok.  Try to eat a lot of fish.
Eggs, lots of them
     In the morning as a meal and hardboiled as a snack throughout the day.
Milk 2%, 1 quart a day
     One pint in the morning, and one pint after you workout.  It's nature's protein shake.  You can use Hershey syrup Lite, to change it up.  If you're lactose intolerant, eat more eggs in lieu of milk. 
A handful of nuts as a snack between meals
     Or a spoonful of peanut butter.
Lots of vegetables with lots of Fiber, 
     Your gonna need fiber because of all the milk drinking.

Experiment around with your daily total caloric intake.  When trying to gain weight/size/strength, I try to gain 1 pound per week.  If you gain 2 pounds in 1 week, reduce your daily caloric intake by 500 calories.  If you stay at the same weight after a week, increase your daily caloric intake by 500 calories a day.  I've found this system to be effective, assuming you are lifting hard 4-5 day per week.  

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