Monday, June 7, 2010

The Burpee/Thruster Challenge

The goal is to do as many thrusters in 10 minutes as possible.

At the top of each minute you have to do 5 burpees.  So, the clock starts, you do 5 burpees, then as many thrusters as you can until the clock hits 1:00 min, then drop for 5 burpees, start doing thrusters until 2:00min, etc, until the clock reaches 10:00 min (don't do any burpees at 10:00 mark, you're done and your total burpees = 50).  I used 135 lbs, and got 40 thrusters.  If you're a woman or a weak boy, try it with 95 lbs...if you're geriatric, try it with 45 lbs.  It sounds easy.  Feel free to vomit as necessary.

What's a burpee?

What's a thruster?

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