Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Real Workout

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
3 back squats, 225 lbs.
3 towel pull-ups
10 push-ups

My record as of yesterday is 15 rounds.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hey Children

You probably haven't tried my standing long jump/400 meter workout.  It's understandable, you're frail and scared.  But I implore you, it is the first step towards manhood.  I usually warm-up with some jump rope, some stretching to open up my hips, a slow 800 meter jog, and a few long jumps.  Then I dive right in.  I rest as much as necessary between rounds in order to bring my heart rate back from the point of cardiac arrest.  If you're looking for a way to increase your VO2 max, push your lactate threshold, increase your anaerobic capacity, speed up your metabolism, increase your aerobic stamina, and become even more of a badass, then stop being so fat and lazy and get to it.

You should know this workout will probably kill or severely injury you because you are weak and pathetic, so start with 2 rounds at a manageable pace, and work your way up to 4 rounds as fast as you can.  How fast is that?  After each round my heart feels like it is going to explode and I am on the borderline of passing out.  Fight the urge to lay down between rounds...why?...because you're better than that.  Fit this long jump/400m ass kicker into your workout schedule every 3 or 4 weeks.  I usually do it in between 2 heavy lifting days, to break things up.  In case you're too lazy to check the link above to the old post, here's the workout:

4 rounds*
10 standing long jumps as far and fast as possible**
run 400 meters as fast as possible
record your fastest round

*Rest as much as needed between rounds
**no rest between jumps and run

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Evgeny Chigishev

This is Evgeny Chigishev (Russian) snatching 211kg. That's approximately 464 pounds. The world record is 468 pounds (213 kg), set by Hossein Rezazadeh (a fat blob) who outweighs Evgeny Chigishev by 88 pounds.

Here is Evgeny Chigishev clean and jerking 543 pounds (247kg).  Keep in mind that Shane Hamman's North American record in the clean and jerk is 523 pounds, and Shane Hamman is a fat blob like Hossein Rezazadeh

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rampage Slams Arona

When I originally saw this, I thought Ricardo Arona was dead.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Burpee/Thruster Challenge

The goal is to do as many thrusters in 10 minutes as possible.

At the top of each minute you have to do 5 burpees.  So, the clock starts, you do 5 burpees, then as many thrusters as you can until the clock hits 1:00 min, then drop for 5 burpees, start doing thrusters until 2:00min, etc, until the clock reaches 10:00 min (don't do any burpees at 10:00 mark, you're done and your total burpees = 50).  I used 135 lbs, and got 40 thrusters.  If you're a woman or a weak boy, try it with 95 lbs...if you're geriatric, try it with 45 lbs.  It sounds easy.  Feel free to vomit as necessary.

What's a burpee?

What's a thruster?